Rokosz Studios produces talent demo reels, located in Tampa

Rokosz Studios produces How-To Videos.

Rokosz Studios produces talent demo reels in High-Definition (HD) that are ready to upload to YouTube or other websites.

Pat Largo's talent demo reel got results in the first 24 hours! Pat says, "My experience working with Rokosz Studios was exceptional right from the moment I stepped into the studio. Great direction under the tutelage of Chris. The turn around and editing was quick. I sent my demo out for the first time and got an audition the very next day from that demo. By the way, the client really liked it! The whole group took care of me. Chris, Carrie and Anthony. Thanks so much guys!!!"

Are you an actor, broadcaster, producer or director? Rokosz Studios can produce a professional, digital, HD video demo reel for you. Our talent demo reels are:

  • Easily uploaded to YouTube and other video hosting websites.
  • Affordable, so they fit in your budget.
  • Produced in only 1-2 hours of studio time, and shot in our St. Petersburg studio.
  • Powerful so the right show business people are impressed.

Call Rokosz Studios at 727-631-1735.

Pat Largo's Talent Demo Reel

Michael White's Talent Demo Reel

Cory Bergeron's Talent Demo Reel

Sean Davis' Talent Demo Reel
