Rokosz Studios video productions featured on Channel 10 News, located in Tampa

Rokosz Studios was featured on Channel 10 TV News in Tampa in 2009. Carrie and Chris were dynamite on television, as you can see in the video on the right. Channel 10 has a very nice article about Rokosz Studios on their website.

The Channel 10 Rokosz Studios article says, in part, "We hear of so many business struggling with the economy, but a home grown business in the heart of St. Petersburg says their online video business is better than ever."

The Channel 10 video begins, "From medical training, to mixing drinks, or even how to impress

the opposite sex. Just about anything you want to know, you can find on the internet." Carrie, "Chris and I are big believers that everyone today in this business world that we live in, should have a website. And once you have your website, every website should have video on it." The Channel 10 reporter, "Carrie Kirkland and husband, Chris Rokosz, have made a career out of video production for the web." Chris, "The big expense for the gear has gone away, but the thing that's left behind is the old style of producing where you need a lot of human beings to do it..."

Be sure to watch the entire video:

Rokosz Studios was there, at the Apple Store in Tampa, Florida, for the launch of the iPad - with HD video cameras at the ready. Chris and his crew picked up their iPad and went directly to the video production studio to shoot a series of iPad how-to videos for the internet.

Channel 10 Connects TV news came to our video studios to shoot a news segment about the iPad and Chris' Digital Lifestyle Expert how-to videos.

Transcription: To some it was a must have item, even without a must have reason. "I'm just excited even though I don't know what it is. I don't know what it's going to do yet." But for these shoppers the mystery meant revolutionary as a cult link following rushed Apple stores across Tampa Bay this morning when the company released its brand new iPad tablet computer.

"The iPad had a lot of the same features of the laptop computer, but the big difference is that this

touch screen and experts say it is the way we will interact with computers in the future.

Chris Rokosz says, "If I want this over here and I want to be over here, I simply move it over there and push the button." Few people in Florida know more about the iPad than Chris Rokosz who cranks out how-to videos from his St. Pete HD studio. Chris says, "And I'm going to show you some tips and tricks on how to use the Contacts feature on Apple's new iPad."

He's made tens of thousands of them for the web over the past few years, and today after getting his iPad in the morning cranked out 20 more instructional videos including, How to Read a Simple Book. He predicts this style of computer will revolutionize the way we live. Chris says, "I think that this is the perfect consumer device for the elderly, for the people who don't have an understanding of computers, or who have bad eye

Be sure to watch the entire iPad news video:

sight because you can simply pick it up and push the pretty picture and that happens." Rokosz admits that one day the tablet may one day be a necessity, but right now it's just a luxury for early adopters. - In St. Petersburg, Noah Pransky, 10Connects
